Today will be a short post, but I just wanted to check in.

This week has been a whirlwind. I started my marathon training and we’re moving to a new place. I guess I like to keep things interesting. I’m not a big fan of packing, moving, changing all my records to show my new address, etc. I’m not sure anyone out there is. And I have to admit it’s extremely difficult to pack up anything with a curious toddler wanting to pull everything back up. I think it goes without saying that most of my packing has been done in the last 24 hours. Luckily we’re moving a whole 15 minutes away and we have two weeks to get settled there and clean our previous residence. No rush.

My training is on track and I actually feel really good. While my first run was lack luster my second run this week was great. I didn’t experience any pain and moved at a decent pace. I have to find time to run sometime today which will most likely be my final run in the former neighborhood. It’s a great neighborhood surrounded by million dollar homes. (My family is NOT located in one of those homes… a moderate apartment that served us well for three years.) I loved going for runs and walks in these neighborhoods just to admire the massive homes. Am I the only one that does that? I also love those neighborhoods because there’s rarely any car traffic which helps because often there aren’t any sidewalks. Oh South Charlotte. I will miss you.

But now it’s time to move on to bigger and better things! More miles. Minimizing clutter. And enjoying the wonderful weather of course. Sweet tea for all!!!